
Release Date Category Document
   28 Aug 2024 Half Yearly Financial Reports and Audit Reports / Limited Reviews  Conference call - 28 Aug 2024
   28 Aug 2024 Half Yearly Financial Reports and Audit Reports / Limited Reviews  Second quarter and half yearly report for the quarter and six months ended 30 June 2024
   16 Aug 2024 Additional Regulated Information Required To Be Disclosed Under the Laws Of A Member State  Financial calendar - reporting date for 2024 Q2 and half yearly results 2024 and conference call meeting
   02 Jul 2024 Inside Information  Agreement signed – Acquisition of a Vessel
   28 Jun 2024 Inside Information  Agreements signed - Acquisition of Two Vessels
   31 May 2024 Half Yearly Financial Reports and Audit Reports / Limited Reviews  Conference call - 31 May 2024
   31 May 2024 Half Yearly Financial Reports and Audit Reports / Limited Reviews  First quarter report for the quarter ended 31 March 2024
   24 May 2024 Additional Regulated Information Required To Be Disclosed Under the Laws Of A Member State  2024 annual general meeting
   21 May 2024 Additional Regulated Information Required To Be Disclosed Under the Laws Of A Member State  Financial calendar - reporting date for 2024 Q1 results and conference call meeting
   26 Apr 2024 Non-Regulatory Press Releases  Leasing a Vessel under the Charterparty
   22 Apr 2024 Annual Financial and Audit Reports  Notice of annual general meeting 2024 and proxy form
   17 Apr 2024 Inside Information  Leasing a Vessel under the Charterparty
   12 Apr 2024 Inside Information  Leasing a Vessel under the Charterparty
   27 Feb 2024 Half Yearly Financial Reports and Audit Reports / Limited Reviews  Conference call - 27 Feb 2024
   27 Feb 2024 Half Yearly Financial Reports and Audit Reports / Limited Reviews  Fourth quarter report for the quarter ended 31 December 2023 and preliminary annual results for the year ended 31 December 2023
   21 Feb 2024 Inside Information  Agreement signed – Acquisition of a Vessel
   15 Feb 2024 Additional Regulated Information Required To Be Disclosed Under the Laws Of A Member State  Reporting date for 2023 Q4 results and 2023 preliminary annual results and conference call
   02 Feb 2024 Inside Information  Agreement signed – Acquisition of a Vessel